Sunday, November 26, 2006


Eating studying debating.
We're in hell.
Hell is delicious.

Sarah lerman got sent to standards for having sex on the dance floor.
no, that was portner.

wheres the lubs?
its on the floor.
Its sugar free so portner can have it. shes diabetic.

sarahs dropping. Sosority...we already had the pills.
intheory there is nothing holding
holding her there.

brice. I just dont like girls.
I don't know. i dont know where id live next year.
Live with safety?

JP has a very nice house.

I dont have an opinion. Have and opinon? I do. Sarah-stay. Sarah dont leae. dreaming means.
Dreaming means...dreaming Means. It means not caring about the destination and just doing. it means remembering the past but forgetting it at once, and diving. Deep. and Question and live and breathe and sweat and cry and yelp and scream and smile and leap and leap and leap and question once more. And feel

feeling makes it worth it. Does it make you feel? Stay sarah.

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